Jeep service

Experience the thrill of visiting the Safari aboard one of the 7-seater Jeeps of Parco Natura Viva!
This is an optional service (remember that you can visit the Safari in your own car).

- Once purchased, the service cannot be refunded or moved to another date.
- The driver must be in possession of a regular driving license B 
- The vehicles offered as part of the Jeep Safari Service can only be used within the circuit of the Safari section of Parco Natura Viva.
- Please note that the purchase of this service is conditional on possession of a valid entrance ticket or membership to Parco Natura Viva.
- Pick up your Jeep at the entrance to Parking 1.

Select date

- ALWAYS check timetables and rules.
- These General terms of sale apply to all purchases.
In case of web availability exhausted, other Jeeps may be available on site. If interested, on the day of the visit, please contact the cash desk of the Fauna Park section, to evaluate any extra availability.